Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 3

We're in Charleston! We had dinner on the boat- stir fry! mmmm! and we just got back from a walk to look at boats and such- and found some really cool boats, a couple really weird people (docked across from us... they have a cat. on a boat. that they walk on a leash. nuts-o!), and one amazing sunset...

here's a really cool boat that's in need of the work they're doin...

and here'a a gorgeous sunset picture that SO doesn't do it justice!

on they way here from Hilton Head, we saw 2 lighthouses! Morris Lighthouse:

and the Charleston Lighthouse:

also, today I spotted a sea turtle! no picture... they're illusive little devils... but it was cool!

we've got a layover day tomorrow, then we're headed to Georgetown early Tuesday morning... peace out homies! thanks for reading!


  1. You're in Charleston!! I'm so jealous...hope you're checking out sweet places we can go to when we take our trip! Love you oh so much!

  2. Ashley Charleston!! HAH! I don't think anyone could come up with something SO clever.


Do what you like. Like what you do.